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Hello everyone i'm hungry i am eating too Today was Blah i am tired today and hungry well it's hard to explain but Anna told me that Jeff told her to tell my bf "thanks for getting Erika off my back she always bugs me" which i haven't in a very looong time and pplus i was over Jeff before i met Korey well anyway Jeff came up to me after Math and asked me what was wrong and i told him and he said he never said that and that i haven't really bugged im in a long while and that he was going to have a talk with anna ... so a whole bunch of shit just happened i don't want to start crap ...it's sp pointless ...well in other news of my life i might be put on birth control .... even if i'm not having sex i guess it will help my period and complxtion ...my grandma doesn't trust me i just think it's because of the pink hair stuff she thinks i'm wild lol well byes Bob
Read 3 comments
Sounds like a ruff day..like mine. Don't worry, I bet things will get better :-) I would LOVE to see what you look like all this time and I still have no idea. Hope things start to look up!!
Sounds like a ruff day..like mine. Don't worry, I bet things will get better :-) I would LOVE to see what you look like all this time and I still have no idea. Hope things start to look up!!
Hey you sound really cool