this is a homemade chorizo with portugese sauce.

im feeling better about life in general right now. ive thrown my search for a significant other right out the window on the expressway. im totally focusing on me and what makes me happy. its really working out, surprisingly. i had a fantastic weekend with good friends. and tonight i had "A Tasteful Affair" at the Jefferson Club downtown. it was a huge event for all of louisville's sister cities. i served Palermo's food. it was a lot of fun, i ate a lot of good shit from restaurants around the city. i also met all the executive chefs! it was really awesome and i was surprised to meet people that were genuinely happy to meet me. it was a good time. a server asked for my phone number. he looked significantly older than me but still cute. we shall see. i dont really care about this guy but im always flattered when someone has the balls to go out on a limb and try to call me.
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