Feeling: better
well im feeling better then i was last night (previous entry)...me and my sister talked about it and iono i talked to my friend today too... i seriously am so happy to have ppl on my side... Like ive had 8 ppl pledge that if they ever come in contact with this kid theyre going to twist his balls until hes unable to have kids... thanx guy seriously... i hate that kid and im glad i have my friends to count on... aww...i almost thought i was never gonna date again...i thought all guys might be like that, but i kno thats not true, bc a few guys offered to rip him up, well its raining here in ventura and theres nothing to do, fun shit! luvluvluv ~*~aºLºyºSºsºA~*~ if ur bored im me at alysa103 OR mnrthreat5 theyre linked so it doesnt matter...
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awww....i'm glad ur feeling better =)some guyz suck major ballz...but then theres always the kool friends that'll alwayz have ur back
haha ya i do usually sew my own pants, but my mom for some reason thinks she can now. so ya and they are all baggy its disgusting. haha ya. well tell khalela i said hi.
yea...but im not gonna get too excited about it lol
cuz i have a feeling im gonna like fail this year :-/ cuz im not tryin that hard.