Swimmin' with the jelly~fish!

Listening to: The Rasmus
Feeling: bleh
today was a really shit day at school..we had to get this huge fuckin jag in our arms and we were playing soft ball..i couldnt hit the ball with the raket and it was really inbaressing..But when i got home i whent out with some mates and went to watch the boys swim =D (i live on a island) .. Keiran gave me a star fish as a sorta pressent so i am still rather.."happy" i guess...i will just need to see what tomorrow brings!..so every one else had a good day?..better go 4 now Peace p*r*o*b*l*e*m
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i hate em too. like EVERYONE from my school is coming tho cuz my cousin is popular so all his friends are coming and his mom was dating a popular girls dad so all her friends are coming and 3 of my friends are coming for support for me and my cuzins and my family. its gunna be packed! oo cant wait! wait, ya i can. :( im gonna cry so much!


p.s-ur on my friends list if thats ok with you
that sucks that you have a lock on your cabnet now. yeah it sucks that her dad won't let her over, cuz she's really not the type thta would do it anywyas.