Umm ... would you go to bed with me?

Feeling: placid
just back from school...Rar! i am so shattered i think i am going to go 2 bed in a minute..School was o.k i supose..Still cant get over what keiran did, The song "I HATE YOU SO MUCH RITE NOWW ARGH!" comes to mind.. I am actually feelin rather slutty =) i will see what tomorrow brings peace out luv yah p*r*o*b*l*e*m
Read 5 comments
yes, she really is psychotic. At least she makes herself appear to be psychotic. I think she just really loved kevin, but he didn't feel the same way about her. Everybody has their reasons for breaking up. I hope she never comes knocking on my door. I live across the hall and who knows what she would do.
thanks finals shouldnt be too bad sinces its senior year but who knows, I like your background. have a nice day.
AWWWWW Cute little kityy kitty..does yours run in neighbors lawns like mine does?
thanks for the welcome. ^^
oh cool kitty. :D that yours?
Hey, Mittens thanx you from the plumbing. Sounds like you had a shit day. Hope everything improves. Take care. Gwen.