I love walkin in the rain,cause then no one knows i am cryin

Feeling: useless
Grrrrrrr I have been sitting in the living room for the past 30 minutes with a knife in my hand..And i feel to..weird to do anything. The funny thing is, my dad just walked in pissed as usual, and didnt even ask why i had a knife in my hand...I aint bothered..I am actually rather happy because if it was my mum walkin in and not my dad she would probably of ... i don't know Done some thing? No word from claire..I feel stranded because all my friends live miles away and i am in this shit hole Gawd i can't wait till the summer holidays. - a quick poem i made just of my head - My wrists never lie I leave that job for my plastic smile My hearts cold as ice Its the blood that flows out of me thats warm My body...Numb My soul...dead I am breathing but still not alive To scared to die.. But petrified live I close my eyes Flash'z of redness appear representing the blood that slithers on me, and in me Making a pool in my half-clasped hand Just like the tears that flow down my white cheek Will another drop of blood, or another shed tear make a differance? ----------------------------------- Quick survey thing i took..
Have you ever hit someone forcefully?:Yeah
Have you ever thrown anything at a moving car?:Yeah..
Have you ever been in a fist fight?:Yup
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?:yeah
Have you ever hit an animal on the road?:Noo!
Have you ever seen a Beatles film?:Cant say i have..
Have you ever cussed?:i aint a fuckin saint!
Have you ever been on a subway?:Yup
Have you ever taught a little kid to cuss?:Lol.. yes
Have you ever cheated on a test/exam?:Just a little end of topic thing..nuffing inportant
Have you ever skipped school?:Yup
Have you ever egged someones house?:Lol no..Not yet any way
Have you ever gotten a computer virus?:Yup
Have you ever cried for no reason at all?:Nope
Have you ever missed someone?:All the time.

Have You Ever? brought to you by BZOINK!
Read 7 comments
I like yer journal!
i like your poem. hope everythings ok. o.O
aww i'm sorry. don't commit suicide

things'll get better

party on!
Life can only get better, cos it cant get any fuckin worse :(
Take Care,
hummm why didnt he do anything?
u weren't thinking of cutting were u...to tell u the truth...cutting makes things worse...i have stopped for over 2 months...n it made things happier...
Good poem, i love it. cool journal too. my dad acts the same as well