
Yay! I cant wait untill newyear. i feel a bit like Sarah Jessica Parker of Sex n the City writing this..When she goes on her computer and..Yeah you get the idea. Xmas was o.k actually i got Trainers (adidas pink, too girly but i can cope) Jeans,tops..etc (all good =) ) Knickers (About 50 pairs all very kinky from mi friends and mi MUM!) Dvds (Enc. Eminem shots, bruce allmighty and all the other old favorates) Teady bear (VERY cute) A book (something like Catch a Rye or something) Hair things Lacoste and signature perfume. £150 Etc Quite a good christmas pressent wise, but family wise..Thats a different story! Dads stopped drinking cause he was sick as a dog last night. Any way, gtg Toodles xox chloe xox
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