Hmeh, feel a bit better than yesterday. Nothing really exciting happened, although i told ***** and **** a few days ago that i h8 Larry so i was putting on the, what i like to call "Sympithy argument" Me: Larry im not talking to you! EVER ever again L: Why? Sorry sorry sorry Me: Because u didnt say hi to me when i said hi to u L: WHEN?! me: I cant remember but you did so i aint talking to u ever ever again. And then he went totaly of the rails like usual, started saying things like "Scottish bitch" and everything in a kind of jokey-but-not-jokey-way. So i started on him..But he threw a hail-stone-ball at my hand so i went in shortly after that. It was quite childish of me to try and get sympithy of him, but i dont even think he has that word in his dictnry. I ended the convosation by saying "You think the sun bloody shines outa your arse" He goes "Yeah it does, it feels good".
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cool diary:)