Last Steak Day

Feeling: sane
Well, I just have a few days left till I go home for the last time from this rig. Today is Tuesday, steak day. The only day of the week that I'll eat supper (at noon.) See, in the gulf, on tuesdays and saturdays, we have steak at noon, and on fridays we have seafood. So I keep a fairly tight diet and eat a light salad in the evening, except on steak days, then I gorge. LOL! I even treated myself to a coke. This is my last steak day with these guys. It is kinda sad. There are some things and people here that I will be glad to never see again. But there are a lot more that I am going to miss dearly. I have a great crew of guys that I work with. We cuss each other, fight, and do our damndest to get under each other's skin, but damnit, this is MY crew. We stand beside each other and are brothers in each others hardest times. These men are my family. I spend more time wiht them than I do my blood family. I've spent more time aboard this rig than any other dwelling ever. Anyhow, just a few more days, and I will turn a big page in my life. Just a few more days and I will say goodbye to my brothers and fathers. I will never be part of a drill crew again. THIS is the life that started my father and grandfater, and now I can say I've been there too. From a brand new 'worm' all the way up to derrickman. I kinda wish I would have stuck it out and made driller. God, I can't believe I'm starting to cry. Also today, I found out that one of my roomies back at the house, his uncle got killed in a car accident last night, about 2a.m. I'm also really upset about that. I wish I could be there for him. I consider this guy my brother, I've written about him in here before. If I write about you to any length in here, you gotta be really importaint to me. I love this dude. He is one of the 1.5 people I trust. This is another one of the things that sucks about my job. I'm stuck in the Gulf of Fucking Mexico, and I can't be there for my friends and family in their times of need. I was wondering how I'd take it when this happened, I knew it would eventually. Now I know. I hate it. Not that I could do anything if I was home, but damn, I wanna be there for him. I wanna go home so bad - the driller cussed out a guy for breaking something simple and cheap and easily replaceable today......3 of us almost walked. I dunno, he has little dude syndrome. I just wish I could do to him physically what he does to others mentally and emotionally. He really deserves it. Sorry I don't have a lot of happy stuff to write about today, just need the therapy, thanks for listening. Take care, and God bless.
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Ive had that feeling before leaving a job, when I knew I was taking a step to better myself, but the place that I was leaving was a nice place, and the people we wonderful, its bittersweet. Also, sorry to here about your friend's brother. Its hard when you cant be there for someone you love. But if your friend knows you like you say, I am sure he knows your heart and prayers are with him! I like that you end your entries with "God Bless!"
rigrat reminds me of rugrats
Yeah well, my dog is a hunting dog, so there's not much to her to make fajitas out of! :P But, I could have kitty fajitas anyday! :P I hate those damn things! Doesnt help that I am allergic to them, but still. Im with ya on that one!