Gonna Be Okay

Feeling: antsy
Well, they have finally quit tagging me with the 'trainee' name around work. For the most part anyhow. Most of the guys that I have worked with have taught me well, and the ones that I work with for the first time quickly realize that I know what I'm about, and respect me for that. I'm finally getting some bonus money, too. See, we have a set salary, then we get extra money for going offshore, or doing hazardous duty, even for coming into the shop to work. It's kinda nice, I'll go in for 3-4 hours, do next to nothing, get home at like 10-11 am, have the rest of the day off, and still get paid! lol! I hope everyone's 4th of July was good. I got called in to work (the bad side of being salary.) Got there at 6:30am, and fortunately got finished at about 12:30. The company man took us out to lunch, and it was cool to hang out with the guys that I'd been working with, sipping sweet tea, eating bar-be-cue, and rehashing the day, while admiring the waitress that kept smiling at us. I still think she was just smiling at me, but the other guys claim that that's not the case. I also got my harmonicas in yesterday!! WOO HOO! It's been months since I got rid of my last one, and I am really missing it.....but it's kinda like a bicycle, turns out that I pretty much remember how it all works, and I'm getting back at it pretty quick. Gotta work on my tongue action, since it's been awhile, my tongue is kinda sore from not using it so much.....being single does not help in that respect! LOL! Anyhow, ya'll take care, and God bless!
Read 12 comments
She was only smiling at you? Hey, hey now... don't get all vain on us now. Really...

even though she was.
Im mad goodwith my tounge, I swear I was supposed to be a lesbian and something malfunctioned, and it turns out I really dig dudes! :P But yeah, I rock with my tounge, and having it pierced doesnt hurt!
Can you add Dania to your list? She wants to be able to read your journal, but can't yet. Plus, she wants to move in with you, and this is the first step.
You are such a mac daddy.

Hi there. :)

Of course, I can agree to disagree. Although I do wish it were different, I know that I can't expect everyone to feel the same about certain issues. Obviously, I was in the minority on this one. Anyhow... I've always been one to respect differences in opinion. I'm glad to see that you are, as well. :)

-Bianca ♥
One of my "benefits" is I get to help you with that tongue action! ;)
Hey. My brother was in the Woodlands, just outside of Houston. Although I am sure you knew that being from Texas!

Coldstone is always a good idea...not only for the ice cream, but for the occasional bathroom perks as well.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for......


Can I come with you and Dania to Coldstone?

I am more of a moaner though, if that's alright. hahahaha
riiiiiiig rat! I can't fall asleep. It's 3:30am kate time.
LOL, just got your notes. You are cracking me up. Do you have AIM? Do ya, do ya?
welllll, you were online, on this site, at the very same time as me, But now you are gone and I am bored again. So sad, so sad.

i suck at comments.

being good with the tongue is a good skill. yes yes. ;)