What Can I Say?

Listening to: silence
Feeling: trippy
So yeah. I made a run for the border this weekend, but only made it a hundred and fifty miles. Yeah, I went to visit the GDS. It was really nice to get to see her and go dancing again. The dance floor was about the size of a postage stamp, but it was cool nonetheless. She got a bit tipsy, which was really cool. And this time, I didn't have to clean my truck the next morning, and that was just friggin awesome! Anyhow, went dancing, had breakfast at Denny's, and went back to her place - with a little sidetrip to a fairly deserted place on the way. Yeah, nevermind. All I will say is "OWNED!" It was really nice to sleep next to her again, even if it was just on the floor. It was nice to wake up and see her still sleeping, so peacefully. Today, she wasn't happy with me giving her the shirt off of my back, she took the skin, too....lol...I was peeling from last weekend in the sun, and she just sat there while I nappend and took off enough skin to sew into a quilt. We took off for some lunch at a scenic little place, and then had to find a secluded little place to wrap up our weekend. Yeah, more than our backs got some sun, but damn, it was SO fun! LOL! I made the trip home playing harmonica, and listening to the radio. Got home and was welcomed by a mega thunderstorm and went to sleep listening to the thunder. I love harsh weather, from the thunderstorms and lightening to extreme wind, to mega storms that roll across the ocean while I am working. It is so humbling to experiance nature in full swing, and honoring to survive. Hope ya'll all had as good a weekend as I did! Take care, and God bless! The Rat
Read 5 comments
Too bad I couldn't go back with ya, we could've cuddled during the storm. LOL, I'm still so sorry about your truck. The only thing I didn't like about last night was the hangover I woke up with this morning! Haha. Thanks for making the trip.
yeah, I wish I had that much "fun" this weekend, that's for sure. I want to meet a nice guy so badly...

And about peeling your burnt skin off.... ewwwwww.
Sounds like you had an equally great weekend. However, lucky for me, mine doesn't end until Wednesday at 1pm!!!!
I wanted to mention that Blake Shelton is not my favorite country singer but I love that song. I guess I listen to mostly "Yankee" country, which includes George Strait, Alan Jackson, Garth Brooks, etc. What kind of country do you Texans listen to? My friend Dan lived in Texas for 10 years and constantly reminds me that I don't know
what "real" country is. I suppose he's right.
Anyway, I am going to end this now since I have already taken up TWO comment blocks.

Have a good one...

in response to your note:

You are crazy. I know about that stuff, but it doesn't change the fact that I want and derserve a nice new man.