It's Over

Feeling: morbid
Well, I don't know what to say. I saw my girl last night, and after I left, she called and said that she thought we should end it. I kinda felt this coming on, but I didn't want it to happen. I have really loved my (now ex) girl. She treated me better than any girlfriend that I've ever had, and it hurts to lose that. She said that she felt like she was getting in my way, slowing me down, kinda that, and didn't want to keep me back in this new life. I can sorta understand, but damn it, I didn't want to lose her. We have talked since last night, and it was allright, not mean or anything. I'm glad we didn't go out fighting, as so often happens. I hope that we may still be friends and confidants. She's a great girl, and a wonderful woman. So I met my old roomie for dinner after the breakup. It was good to see him, and I was SO glad we got together last night, after the aforementioned situation.....I kinda needed a shoulder, you know? Anyhow, I stayed the night at mom and dad's, and got up at 6 (with 5 hours sleep) to be at work by 9 for the stack-up. We were testing a new piece of equipment for land wells. It was cool, but I've wanted to vomit and cry all day.....I was actually worried that I wouldn't make it till I got home. I usually cover up my feelings well, usually with laughter, and happiness, but as soon as I walked into the shop, the guys knew someting was up. I suppose that is a credit to my ex. Only 3 months together, I think my shortest relationship, and it has rocked me really hard. I'd never have figured that I would feel like this. Anyhow, I'll quit rambling and whining and wrap this up. Ya'll take care, and God bless.
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It's not over least I hope not. Just until you've done what you need to do. I love you.
I am sorry to hear about the breakup. I didnt see that coming at all. I don't think I've ever broken up with someone or had them break up with me just because one of us felt we were "in the way." I tend to think that having new things happen in your life is a blessing and something to share with a loved one, not something to be a hinderance. But as you said, at least it wasn't a bad breakup. I'll be thinking of you. Take care,