Day ONE- I Love You, Lord

Father, today was amazing, to say the least. I stayed home because last night my mind was racing and I couldn't find even an hour of sleep. Those nights are always interesting... watching every minute go by on your clock FOR HOURS! But You were right there with me, even in my moment of restlessness, comforting me. Thank You, Lord. This morning, as You know, I got online and Amber was on. That girl amazes me Lord, and I thank You for bringing her into my life. She was in the accident, as You know, and it blesses my heart to know her and see how far You've brought her. We were talking about how from various situations in our life, we were told that we may very well not be able to walk, or have complications of some sort. But we talked about how amazing You are, and how that wasn't Your will for us. Thank You for that Lord. Thank You for that type of friend who will rejoice in the good times, and stand by me during the hard. Please be with the girl at her school, who broke the same vertabraes as her, but is in a wheelchair. Have Your will in her life, and show her that as long as she has breath in her body and a willing heart, You can use her and have amazing plans for her life. I also talked to Heather this morning, my superhero. A couple years ago I remember seeing her and her sister at Church thinking "whoa, why are they here on a weekday... they must really love God, I wish I knew people like that and had friends like that". Little did I know, You'd allow that to happen a couple years later... and it's been amazing. I've only known them personally since June 2003 and didn't really get to know Heather on a deeper level until months later - but it's been worth it and I love the friendship Lord. My words won't do justice to describing how blessed I am with friends... forgive me for many times taking it for granted. You also blessed me with my Aretha. Now that I think about it, I really don't know how we became close... but it's because of You, and I love You for that God. She's stood by me through some really low moments (I don't know why) and she's wonderful. Be with her... she's got such an amazing heart and passion for You and Your people. You saw what she wrote about my last entry... but if she only knew how many people say that about her. How they wish they had her faith, her strength, her amazing personality. Thank You, Lord for all the many blessings in my life. That's what You've been showing me today, how truly blessed I am... and how too often I take it for granted. Forgive me for spitting in Your face, and taking for granted what You did on the cross, and what You're still doing to this day. Humble me, Father, and teach me to love You like You so very much deserve. Be with all those I love... be with the many prayer requests... and be with everyone. May they know You on a personal level, and see how truly amazing You are. I fall down before You With so much on my heart This love I feel for You Is too much to hold in I'll never understand How You can love me Why You call me Your Child Why You give me life Never will I understand But Lord, I love You I praise You I give you everything Father, I need You My soul thirst for You Please take all of me Never will I forget that day I layed there in so much pain Calling out to You You touched my life Healing everything With Your perfect love Potter, You broke me And I fell down Crying at Your feet Father, You picked me up You gave me life And made me whole again -Rachel
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Hi! Thanks for the comment and your prayers, I am truly greatful of them. I just wanted to tell you that you amaze me! Just reading the things you write and seeing how I should be, you write what I feel, it is so great and I look up to you! You are a great example for others and I praise God for using you as a witness! I will be rejoicing when we get to hang out for eternity in His Kindom!! :) It will be GREAT!! love ya