Day SIX - Grounded

God, I have no idea what You're trying to teach me and what good will come from this, but I don't think my parents have directly hurt me this bad in quite some time. Lord, it's not the fact that I'm grounded, I can accept that. Rather it's the fact how forceful they were with their words. It breaks my heart because they find nothing wrong with the things they said. But they left me feeling like a lying, good for nothing, screw up when in reality I don't think I am... I have my faults and I'm far from perfect but never should a child be made feel as low as I do in this moment. I tried my hardest I could this last semester, and though certain situations were out of my control, i did all I could. But they don't believe me and I feel like once again, I disappointed them beyond words. They don't even know me Lord. They think school is merely routine to me and that I couldn't care less. But in reality I love the challenge and love to learn. Just teach me through this situation Father. Forgive me for where I've fallen short and lift me up because right now I'm feeling pretty broken. In Jesus' name. Amen Love ~Rachel
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