God's Valentine

What is God's valentine? ...only the greatest in the world... For God so loVed the world that he gAve his onLy begottEn soN that whosoever believeTh in him should not perIsh but have everlastiNg lifE ~John 3:16 (look at the CAPS.. it spells, VALENTINE) Man's way leads to a hopeless end. God's way leads to an endless hope! GOD IS LOVE (1 John 4:7-11) Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. (1 Cor. 13:4-8) GOD ADORES YOU!!! --------------------------------------------- I'm hungry, I'm thirsty To show you my mercy I'm begging, I'm pleading For you to start seeing my face I want to hold you I want to mold you I want to hug you I want to love you I want you I'm stretching, I'm reaching For your heart to be needing my love I'm hoping, I'm praying That you will start laying Your burdens before me I want to embrace you I want to bless you All I want is you I want you ----------------------- I don't know how anyone could have A love so intense that they would choose to die For someone so unworthy as me There I was upon my cross For the things I had done My hands were stretched out Waiting to die But then everything froze Everything was still While one Man came closer With compassion in His eyes He took me from the cross that I deserved And chose to take my place Before I could say anything The nails pierced through His hands and feet As the tears fell down His cheek I don't know why my Savior took that last breath But He did it all just for me ------------------- i fall to my knees in awe of the One who has set me free God's only begotten Son nailed to the cross He bore my pain His blood cleansed my sins He took away my shame He shed His blood He died just for me on that third day He rose just to set me free when i close my eyes i can see His pierced skin i can hear my Savior's cries to my knees i fall again ~Rachel Jackson I LOVE YOU! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
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Jesus, have mercy on us...

Thy Kingdom come, They Will be done-

I trust you're well. -Michael
Jesus, have mercy on us...

Thy Kingdom come, They Will be done-

I trust you're well. -Michael
I'm so unreligous.Hmmm. So i dont really know what any of that meant!
Hey RJ...I hope that you had a great day!! Those were some great messages! Jesus is the ultimate Valentine!!! I love to hear 1Corinthians 13 because it reminds me and humbles me about how much I fail when it comes to love, but Jesus love is so perfect and never fails! I hope that you have an awesome day! I love ya!~Aubrey~

yours in peace and gratitude,
Shauna Slaughter
wow...you amaze me...with how devoted you are to spreadin the word..I mean...I wish I had all the courage that you do....and I love that passage in 1 corinthians...it's my most favorite ever...I just love readin your diary cause it makes me realize that there are people out there who still believe and want to share...it makes me think that there might be hope for this world...you encourage and inspire me!!!
That is awesome!! I love that. Where do you live? Write me back ~~Chely
wow, thats cool! I wrote the 1 corinthians verse in a valentines card i sent, instead of all those 'roses are red...etc' verses!