God ADORES you

God loves you, God created you, God ADORES you. There's something about that word - ADORE. I don't know. It's just such a powerful word if you truly sit back and think about it. I just looked it up in the dictionary and it says basically to love so very much, and to completely live for it. God lives and breathes AND DIES for you daily. It's amazing. All this stuff happens, we have all these flaws, and at times such as this, when we're like "HEY GOD... ARE YOU EVEN THERE? ARE YOU ENJOYING DOING THIS TO ME?" and are filled with such bitterness and confusion wondering why in the world a GOD WHO ADORES US would allow us to suffer so... He's there, softly whispering back with compassion in his voice and tears filling his eyes saying "I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU... THAT'S NOTHING NEW. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND WILL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU... HANG IN THERE, PLEASE I LOVE YOU" and that simply brings me to my knees. It doesn't matter what's going on, what HAS happened, what IS happening, or what WILL happen - the God we serve is bigger than anything we'll ever face on this earth.
Read 29 comments
i didn't know what to say i dont usually get along with religious people because they like shoving their opinions down my throat and they dont see much outside today.
All of you need to be killed! There is no god! God did not create you, you created god in your head. He does not exist. Theres no heaven or hell, theres no god or devil.. its all in your head! You people just need someone to look up to because your to weak to do anything on your own! Yes theres no scientific proof god isnt real.. but there isnt proof he is real either! Your all a bunch of weak fools! You should all just die for your stupidity!!!!
just to add one more to the long list of comments on this.....
God bless you!
i was despairing that i was so alone in my faith, and i really think your entry was a blessing.
Why can't we belive God exists? Is there scientific fact disproving God? No. You can't bring up evolution, because that's another theory full of holes. You can't tell me carbon dating because carbon dating doesn't work. They've tested a piece of tupperware from the 70's to be millions of years old.
God told us to rely on Him with faith. Even if there was some sort of scientific breakthrough 'proving' God, I woulnd't pay attention...faith alone.
hey my e-mail is smokymcpot@sbcglobal.net. ill be glad to have a discuss with u.
your banana,
it feels like im two differnet people tho. last night i was so happy i didn't cut, but i couldnt'fall asleep because i didn't, and then first thing in the mornign i cut again. but it was only 2ce. i hate this.
well thanks for that philosophy. i know alot of ppl think their just supporting their opinion, but uh, its not.

i never said i was athiest its just right now theres really not much to believe in.
ska4jesus: preach on!
oh come on. who are you gonna believe? man's science or an almighty God?

if ever doubting why you should believe in God, just pretend for a second you know all there is to know as man and then imagine how you determine what you know as man. imagine a beginning and end to our universe, then imagine the odds, then imagine how the universe itself began. have some theories?

this is for you geeks who think you're badasses for taking religion 101
i have been brought up in a christian family and yet i dont know how i am to believe everything about 'God'. science says everything was created over millions of years from one cell where as God made everything in a week. why are there no dinosaurs in the bible? were adam and eve cavemen?? to many doubts for me to believe.
ello, how do u know that god excists. did your parents take u to church when u were young, and have u always been christian. cause if u have then how do u know its the correct religion, u have never experianced other religions. how dont u know god is fake. then that would mean u r worshiping a fake thing your life has no porpose its like an imaginary friend that everyone has. worship yourself. have some fun. jesus
hey, i'm starting a bible study for skateboarders and i don't really know what to do i skate and stuff, i just don't know how to get to them so maby could have some ideas if u do the shoot them at me
thanks for emailing me and leaving me notes. its good to hear that there are people who care.
thats creepy. how old are you?
It was just school stuff...thanks for the prayer, it worked
i dont know.
you don't know what or who i am, thanks for trying to make me feel better but you can't say that and not know me. it is condescending. i think you are nice and thanks for your kindness, but please don't argue with me about opinions cos everyone has their own.
you're really religious aren't you?
thanks for the nice comment. and cool, friends are good. lets be friends.
Peace out and Jesus Loves You!
yea.. its kool you believe in god.. but lol i don't but hey ive tried to believe but the stuff never works oh well so ? for you... in the bible does it say anything like "if your a lesbian you go to hell eh?"
how old are you
thanks for your dollish comments though i have to say that i am not interested in being mentored by yet another person. however i am interested in a new friend. stick around and please continue to read my diary.
hey thanks so much. but it doensn't really change the fact that half the world of preps saw me crumble and assume fetal position and sob patheticaly. i really dont know what the fuck im doign anymore.
I only said eh because I wish I could believe that about God but I can't because Im still looking to get my faith back.
"that's nothing new."
how true.
Hey, thanks for what u wrote in your journal...I've been glum lately..and what you wrote, I feel was God speaking through you, and it made me realize how mcuh of a jerk I have been to God. Have a good day. ~Aubrey~