damn you Camila

yello there kiddy winks! ok so this is my sit diary, apparently i'm gonna turn it into a webcomic, and that would be awesome but lately the HSC has been absolutely PWNING my brain and I tried drawing some comics last night and they were horribly retarted and out of practice. I'm not gonna blog here because I already have a xanga www.xanga.com/sparky_boojaw the real purpose of this place is so that Camila can randomly abuse me yayyyy :D Will devote some time to figuring this system out later, especially the colours thing, because all the HTML codings are WRONG! I wanted to make it orange dammit byeeee Filip Malcolm Lovely (nice to meet you)
Read 8 comments
you're making it as if i made you do it. like i was begging or something. which is a total lie.

stop decieving the online community that is sit diary.

have a nice time.

love camila
ahoy tharrr,
tis i...joanna! thats all i have to say :)
luv jo
stop spreading lies about me fil.

i say stop it mary warren!
*slaps mary warren*

stop it fil.

love camila
*gasp* IT'S YOU!!!! *screams and points at fil and then tries to avoid throttling him with her bare hands*
why do i hate you so much? i have no idea! so as of today i no longer hate you.
hi there fil. how are you doing? welcome to sitdiary.
love romina.
lovely diary mr lovely
you said abuse?
i dont know how
tahahaha silly boy
and about the spelling part
not my fault :P tehehehe
love sarah
i love hugs! they are the best things ever!!!
so off we go into the merry future.
Insert random abuse.
Great thing you got going man. I love the collection of comics and the evoloution of the drawings.
