I've Got Something In My Teeth, Can You Get It Out For Me?

Listenin' To: Aisles of White - The Butterfly Effect Feeling: snooted at Currently Playing: Gears of War + Guitar Hero 2 + Dead Rising + Crackdown = BRAIN HEXPLOSION I had fun with that one. Drew it with a texta :D On monday Alex and Joe came over, Alex brought his Xbox 360. OH MAH GAWD. Want one so so so bad. If not just to bounce around and look awesome while missing all the blue and orange notes on guitar hero. Ya, a good time was had by all. I downloaded the new Butterfly Effect album and it's... different. I'd say lighter, poppier, weaker and generally not as good. But hey, worth downloading. It just makes it funnier to me because there's a poster of the band in Bridie's room, where the lead singer has scary face paint on and is going RAAAAAAAAAAAAWR at the camera. So hardcore :P Last night I had this crazy dream where I caught a train to this tropical island with Gracey and Peter Helliar. The island was stocked up with heaps and heaps of guns, so that when we built a raft to get off the island we had plenty of protection from sharks. Peter Helliar was planning a mutiny, so I put him in a metal cage and chucked him in the sea. As he sank, I saw to my distress that somehow two other people had been trapped in it, so me and some other guy, jumped into the water and pulled the cage back onto land and cracked it open. Peter Helliar had drowned (booyah) but the other two were safe and one of them was Gracey and she promised me many special treats. Then Peter Helliar (far out, why won't he DIE!?) was shooting at us from a raft out at sea and we took cover behind a box while the Master Chief took him out with a sniper rifle. Dream on, you crazy kids Fildo
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Yeah Fil I'll come to your party. Whens it on? And where? I can't go to Kevs this weekend. Or Rominas. Bah! xxMary --> PS: I had a dream the other week that Camila and I lost the swimming carnival, so we had to vote Peter Garret for king. WOO!
360 is fun isnt it?Personally I'm waiting for a PS3 pricedrop I can have all 3.mm Gears of war is nice. Expert on Guitar hero is where its at!