Either That Or French Porn

Listenin' To: Map Of The Problematique - Muse Feeling: Hungry Currently Playing: Keyboard Felt like a more artistic swing. Hope you enjoyed. Today I took Roger for a walk, and it really made me wonder about something. You see, when you get out Roger's harness and leash, he goes berzerk with excitement. During the walk itself, (as I observed today) Roger chokes himself roughly 95% of the time. I'm wondering why he always gets so excited, when he knows exactly what he's in for. Maybe he likes it? BDSM doggy. Choke me baby, then I'll hump your leg like never before. I'm really tired and hungry. Toodloo Fildo
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ahahaha. I <3 sbs.

And the page finally loaded!

Heheehhe. Ahhh this one is great. Its so SBS. I love the shows where the asians randomly break out into song, and everything becomes colourful. Derrrr, purdy colours.
i love the ones about josh and yourself. its funny. i got a site. www.y0shii.blogspot.com. talk later fildo~

yoshi aka sandy xx
fil, you and grace must, i repeat MUST come to my 18th. Its on the easter weekend, i dont know dates yet. but its going to be there.
hey tharrr sexy lady ;) i mean... man... boy.. MANBOY! i love yee so very mucherly. your comic displays the prettiful nature of bows! + 3 points :D lo
ve, your bubbles. ALSO, i had this dream where i had sex with a chihuahua. remind me to tell you!