The Usual Suspects

So I'm personally wondering where the fuck this webcomic is. I'm feeling rather ashamed of myself, so sorry for the huge delay. Worse news still, is I don't actually know when I'll get it up, because while I can keep drawing and creating comics, I have no fucking idea how to you know, create a site and stuff. html WHAT NOW? But for now, enjoy some silly pictures! I've been fucking around with that handwriting thing on msn alot: Josh Gibbs is a beautiful man. The best solution to current rediculous meat prices. $7.99 a kilo for beef sausages? Geddouddaeeeeere The smoker's relief: My fantasies of evil science and world domination come to life! Impersonating the Blues Brothers never gets old. Just another ordinary day in Josh's record store: RIBMAN!? Seriously, I don't know. Maybe I was drunk. That's been happening alot lately. Sometimes life is happy. And sometimes, life kicks you in the balls. More than one frame! :O I guess me and Josh are just going through a tough time right now. BAHAHAHA This is so much fun it's rediculous Merry Christmas all! Fil Lovely
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