Gayness Of The Anus

Listenin' To: Spoil The Show - Jebediah Feeling: Sugary Sweet Currently Playing: Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee Excuse me for a moment while I have a whinge. (fairly warned be yee!) So I've been playing Oddworld right, and the total time I've been playing it has clocked at around about four hours. There's only been about twenty minutes of total cutscene movie time, but for those twenty minutes I've spent about A ZILLION fuckin hours trying to watch them. Because, as the comic suggests, everyone in a five kilometre radius of my xbox gets a psychic premonition of me approaching the cutscene and gets the loudest thing they can grab on the run (lawnmower, boombox, v8, mother etc) and gets it to my house. The most important cutscene at the start of the game? I had to watch it FOURTEEN TIMES. FOURTEEN!?!?! It's not fair :( *cries* (it's not really THAT bad bwehe) ST PADDY'S TONIGHTTTTTTTT It is estimated that Sydney's pub will serve over one million pints of Guinness tonight. Well, I certainly hope to do my bit! bweeeeeeeeee like a leprachaun Fil
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NOOOOO RETURN OF ASIAN GANGSTA NO. 9!!!!!!!!!!! but where be bald man? :(
hey fildo.

i played oddworld last time. didnt like it. hehe.

sandy (
Hey Fil! It was my birthday on St Paddys day, and I hate guiness. It kinda sucks.

Which oddworld are you playing? I play Munch's oddyssey but I can't get past one part. They're both in some compound and they have to get the captives over to the other side, but in the middle there's land mines and dogs and shooty thingies. I can get to the other side myself but I can't work it how to get THEM to.. Haven't played it in about a year though - Mary
oh gossh fil!
its been ages since i've visted your diary!
heheh i love your comics they're soo funny

ahhh i'm at uni
and wish i was at home watching cheaters

i'm going to get some food!

i miss you man!