Ever So Slightly Exaggerated

Listenin' To: Tanya's Annoying Techno Feeling: deadlines Currently Playing: Command & Conquer 3 (omg) just an fyi: Rovery = Lovely :P Heh, well sortof. I haven't updated in a while for numerous reasons, main one being that my computer recently underwent the gruelling "upgrade" to Windows XP. After about a good solid week of reinstalling, tweaking, and writing death threats to microsoft my dad finally got it to work, and I gotta say it ain't bad. Then I installed C&C 3, which is freakin awesome, and as such has consumed much of my time. The halo 3 beta is the topic of much talk lately and yet again, I feel the harsh sting of not having a 360 to hold at night... I must leave or my sister's evil techno will soon give me a brain tumour Sparky
Read 5 comments
man, ive waited a long time for this comic. it was good.
love camila
Dude let me know when you buy aa game next time! We've seriosuly got to get online and catch up over some RTS Pwnage!

Rovery! Hehehe. Ah Fil, you crack me up. Keep it up poopa! Mary
ew, xbox360. :(
MOTHER ON A STOOL. classic. cause you know... stool is also another word for poo.