Listenin' To: So What - Miles Davis Feeling: stressed out then BWEEEEEEEEEE Currently Playing: Piano and Drums *dies* Love. You. Baby. Just... love. aslfk slakfja skfBUDDA BWEEEAsjf pasjdSAAAAAAANAAAAOOOOEEEEEHHHHHHHH *convulses* *dies again* Um... yeah, post another time. TOO EXCITED TO BREATHE. I was actually just recently freaking out about my audition for Cert IV Music, but now i'm just too happy to care. In fact, it actually improved my practice. I sort of know how to play the piano now :P YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Sparky P.S. *dies for a third time*
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Eeeheehe. Classic. When I'm rich, I'll publish you. Thats a promise. Mary
*licks his face*

*watches him convulse and ... die... again*
Just thought Id let u no that ur wonderful cartoons, combined w/ chili sauce on rice, are getting me through the HSC, sanity intact.
<3 Bridie
hey fil, your gf must be awesome. i really enjoy your comics and am sad that they are over.
hope you're well
xx sharne