The pretty moon off in the horizon

So marching band season is officially, once and for all, over and done with. Tonight was the last time the band got to perfom the show that everyone had worked so hard at. Even with all the ups and downs that happened through the season. I would still say that it was one very good season. One to truly remember for years to come. Thanksgiving was awesome. I had dinner at my uncles house along with my birthday celebration. So that was all cool and stuff. Nothing too fancy, but was just able to enjoy the company of the family that I don't get to see everyday. I would also just like to thank Jill for always being there and always taking care of me. I have never and will never have any doubts in my mind about her. She is absolutely amazing and is always there to make me laugh, smile, or to just realize what kind of joy, happiness, and love there is in this world, because she herself symbolizes all of that to me. Anyhow, sleep well kids Peace ~Kris
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You're on....and I'm on...sign on AIM!
Thank me? I'm sorry, wasn't I the one needing you tonight? You, bowl of sunshine, were definttely the hero of today, there's no need for you to be thanking me for anything.