The hour glass at hand, may slowly be turned upside down

So Sunday was the day that I went and had my audition for The Arizona Academy. Well, they didn't quite go as great and wonderful as I had planned. I was quite disappointed in my performance to the instructors. It totally felt like playing tenors was all the sudden a new and hard thing that I had never done before. I really don't know what had come over me. Maybe it was the fact that it was freezing cold and raining outside. But everyone else had to deal with it as well. I just don't always understnad myself and my performance levels. Usually I have known myself to suddenly take a dramatic increase in playing infront of judges. Maybe it was just that I relied on that to much this time around. I suppose I just need to keep on drumming and working up the exercises so the next time I can really show them that I actually do know what I am doing on the tenors. But that is that. The choir concert for Saguaro was last night, and that went quite well. I had a solo in men's choir and I suppose I did good cause I a lot people said that I did awesome. So I guess that means I couldn't have lost it to badly. But, it seemed like all of the choirs last night came together and really had a nice blend of sound. And tonight, well we had the band concert. And I can finally say that I was quite happy as well as being excited that the band played extremely. For once the percussion section actually knew what we were doing rather than just winging it on stage. The band itself, well I thoroughly impressed with the way many kids stepped up and played their parts and played them well. Overall, it is a pretty good start to week. Lots of music, which has made quite happy, and starting tomorrow, The Cruicible opens up. Despite what people believe and say, I think that they will do just fine for opening night. Good luck to any and all in the cast. Anyhow, it is Christmas time, and that means that thought of care and kindness tends to be in everyone's mind. For this a good thing, because if at least everyone in the world thought about something kind or nice for someone, and then carried out this thought, just once a day, we would see such a positive amount of energy just exuding through the world. That not only would we be a happier world, but we would be a world full or joy and love, and everything that defines Christmas. Just a little thought that I had happened to have. Anyhow, sleep well Peace ~Kris
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ok #1 im sorry ur audition didn't go as well as u had planned.. but i bet u still did great and ur just being hard on urself! #2 holy shit yes u were good in the concert! i'm telling u the low voice will get any girl lol... and #3 i'm really glad band went good... as ur senior year i'm happy all of u guys get to go out on a bam.. u guys deserve it! and yay for ur dad for being an amazing director! i luff u tofer! have a great week!

*mad snaps for the entry title*

I've already talked to you about the other things...: )
