Break a Sweat

I had quite a nice workout tonight. I started off with a half mile run, and then I hit the weights. I did free weights tonight in the curls which was really nice. I maxed out on the curls and then I did quick set lifting as much weight as I could (for each weight set) all the way down to 20 pounds, then I did some tricepts and abs as well. I finished however not so typical. I hopped on the tredmill and for some reason I just felt like running tonight. I ran about 2 miles tonight. I just started running and didn't stop. My total running time was about 15 minutes. Which isn't fast for 2 miles, but I could care less, I just wanted to keep a nice solid comfortable pace and not completely push myself tonight. It was quite a nice workout though. I hope that everyone has a great weel. Sleep well Peace ~Kris
Read 2 comments look stoned...

*shakes head" boys.

sounds fun.