The dough is slidding through

The big New York trip is now finally over. I sang in Carnagie Hall which was absolutely amazing. I can pretty much say for myself that it was one of the highlights of the trip. So I have been looking like crazy for a job, like it seriously feels like I have applied everywhere. Target, Best Buy, Circuit City, The Great Indoors, Hi Health, Red Robin, Aeropostle, and believe me the list goes on, but they all are like nope too young, were full (even though they have a sign saying NOW HIRING in their door). Ah, oh well, maybe I won't have a job this summer. I do suppose that if worse comes to worse I could always either (A) go back to Cameo and work there again or (B) I could volunteer somewhere all summer long. Oyfe, I'll figure out something to do. Well until then I hope that everyone is having a sweet and kicking summer. It's pretty been fun so far and I hope that everyone else's has too. Sleep well Peace ~Kris
Read 3 comments
Don't forget the bank...~.^
Thanks for the comment Kris. Sometimes we all just need to rant, and that was mine.
Hope you find a job, but not until I find one because I need one too!

Glad NY treated you well.

Is New York really as beautiful as they say?

How I long to go there...

Anyway, interesting diary :o)

Have A Lovely One Dear*

♥ Lyss*~