why do we.

Why do we think so deeply about things? Is it because we have doubts or that we want it to be a certain way so badly? Why do we know our flaws and others do as well but still get in trouble for them? Life is full of problems that occur. But the only way we get smarter is from these problems and how we jhandle them. In my life I have had so many problems. I have also had many people that have helped me. Mainly my mom and sister. Then there are others thay have helped me form myself like rachel, ian, frank, and a few others. There is like 2 things that has helped my life for the better. One is the rag program for the ymca which is a program to better yourself. And the other is my relationship with rachel. She alone has made me a better person. But if I didn't have those my life would be in the drain. They mean so much to me. But when we start to think we begin to second guess and when we second guess we contemplate and when we do that we will make a mistake. Then those mistakes allow you to learn. But at what point do we try and not make mistakes. Because since we learn from them it makes us a better person. But if the mistakes are hurtfull they may tend to ruin your life. But I guess that's just life
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you take amazing photos
just thought u should know

xoxo natalie
no problem anytime lol
-localbandlover (natalie)