movie time

its like 3am and im still up and i swear some one just rang my door bell and i swear i heard it 2. it was prolly my friend around the block if it was any one :P now im just watching some movie on city tv i have no clue what it is. i should prolly go to sleep becouse tmr i got a doctors appointment at like 12pm but for sum reason im still up. i think im going to buy some movie tmr for the hell of buying movie i dont no which ones to get any suggestions? i was thinking like: Edward scissor hands Red dragon The Score Slackers Bio-dome The Crow but the the older crow withe brandon lee the other ones are fuckin shit they dont even comepare to it. yeah i dont really care to buy newer movies cuz there aint any i really want. i want texas chainsaw masacar but i aint willing to pay lie 40 bucks for it including tax and all :P
Read 17 comments
I live in WA state...
I see you figured it out; how to put up a pic for each entry! Thats great! It looks fucking sweet! ^_^
awesome taste
alrighty, im goin to bed! night!
wow...well ur right, it definitely isnt about Jesus! sounds like a good one...haha.
do u know how i would delete the cookies off my computer? i never used to get pop ups and now all of a sudden they are comin up, so maybe i need to delete some of my cookies...or maybe its something else, do u know alot about computers?
so ur movies about jesus! even better! lol, why were u in the hospital? thats gotta on "march break" now...well i guess it would be april break. we were off all last week and next week. man, im so hungry its not even funny
i figured u werent in grade 9 being 17 years old:P but here we say 9th its a bit different, what movie? im just in my room with silence, dont want the parentals wakin up, are u on spring break
get edward scissor hands, johnney depp is hot...just a thought, heh
yeah, its fine, i think calgary is a capital of somewhere up there...anyways! haha, u said grade 9, i love it, i started saying eh from my friends up there, do u know french?
oh, sorry bout that... I'm just talkin' to a couple buddies of mine... even though it's 1:25...
that i do! southern cali. i have friends that live in canada...i dont know much about where all the different places are, but they live in calgary, is that close to where u are?
its cool, i say we comment back and im bored, lol. wow, its late where u live...where do u live?
i meant screen name so i can talk to you online, like aol instant message...haha, i hope thats desriptive enough, if ur still lost, welp, i dont know what to tell ya man. but its 1 in the mornin and i dont want to sleep...silly me
Wow... thanks... ::blush::
im extreamly bored, do u have a sn so we can talk?