First poem of the year

im bored so i tried to write well kinda smashed :P .... Happy new yeasr ! "Endless humanity" I cant believ all the stars which surround, falling fast just as quick as i drownd. SMashing stars collide on earth, killing many and providing new birth. LOst treasures cover surface land, all are lost within sinking sand. New treasure assured to be found, however guarded by twelve hounds. The traesure one seeks is for ever gone, for it vanishes for every body that hits the ground. For love on earth shall never remain, for the pure in heart nolonger reclaim. The pained and lonely claim the land, with noremores end the big mans, master plan. For life has grown to cold to live, better now to rest in peace, The crips underground, maintain a similar sound, with nothing to be heard. The life which stands may get so out of hand, but alwasy make the situation the best you can. For love itself can not be achieved, well waiting in the shadows.
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happy new year!!! yes i took spanish and i am also mexican. so i know spanish !! tee hee!!