o ya a party or sumthing :P

o ya :P so far this summer hasnt been 2 much fun in about a week or 2 im thinking of throwing a party o ya i think its gonna be fun a whole get together or sumthing like it :P people can sleep over or what ever i think im gonna have my half ounce spliff then but also im getting some mushrooms me and a few people will do those it shall be good i unno who to invite tho :S meh we shall see i dont no inwhich group of friends is gonna be there or a mix we shall see maybe ill flip a coin or sumthing i unno. all i kno is that if ur gonna be all straight edge u better find some where else to go cuz u better be high or smashed i shall be both so it will be good :D man i need a shoer im just tired goddamn work bah :P
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