"Hells Plateau"

Listening to: Ra- rectifer
Feeling: alive
"Hells Plateau" step by step i walk further down, i walts my way into hell. as i walk these firey paths, i tremble not, for the pain suffered sooths my mind. as i slowly melt away, hell vastly freezes, for the burden in my heart, i grow cold. yet tears still fall, and i love nomore. for my remorse, is loving you.
Read 4 comments
That poem is sweet! If you are sad I wish you would cheer up! Life is a wonderful thing if you let it be! If not then keep writing cuz you are a great writer!

i love your diary!!!
Yeah my last name really is Ice! Plant is an awesomelast name! I guess we both have wierd last names! We Rock! *LOL* Welp drop me a line sometime!
university holy blah. i don'tlike college i wish i could take all my classes online. heh.