
Listening to: slipknot - vermilion
Feeling: bad
Your lying again Big surprise Your such a bitch Dont even cry You do the same shit Over and over Pretending like you care When we all see your true colors Well herez something for ya Let it sink in Fuck you bitch Should I say it again The damage is done Therez no going back Youll always be a bitch And thatz a fact! coment wht u think it meanz alot thnxx
Read 11 comments
nice poem and slipknot kicks ass
it's "you're" not "your"
i absolutly love you poems.
very nice poems..I like the most recent one! haha =)
sure =)
I like the rhythm. You do a good job of matching the syllables, which is important because it sounds better when you read it.
i like them.. but try useing words that aren't as common ya know what i mean.
Too many swearwords! Save them things that really matter, like using them to refer to Bush.
i love it..!!
that is harsh but I could prob. find like a hundrend girls that goes for oys too
Well, the band certainly matches the mood of the poem. I suspect most of your other poems aren't this way, but at least you didn't feel obligated to censor what I was you wanted to say. Although creativity can be a good thing, as seen in your other poems, sometimes being crude has it's beauty too.