I Won't Let You In My Life

Listening to: nada
Feeling: amazed
Well, I am down at the Semlers now and I am loving it. The kids are so great, all I do is like go to the beach with them. When I am watching the baby it is a little harder, but she is so cute!! Laura and Micheal are so easy to get along with, and they really make me feel like part of the family. I haven't started missing my family yet, but I will in about two days. I really miss Cece because we have barely talked since I came down here. Yesterday was a very odd day for me. I woke up early cause the kids were being loud. Then Laura and Micheal went to Bangor, and left me with Gaines, Alex, and Brooke. Brooke is going through seperation anxiety, which is hard because I am the one who has to deal with it. She is really starting to love me though. Anyways yesterday afternoon I am looking out the window and I see Kates car pull into the driveway. I have not talked to her since she stood me up. After that happened I really didn't care if I ever talked to her again. I swear she is the most selfish girl I have ever met. What she put me through was hell, and all the trust is gone. So when she showed up here she was all oh my god lets go out to lunch and this and that. All I could think of was every time I get involved with you you end up hurting me and I am through with that. She is the best lier I have ever met, and she is a pro at being fake. I am now in a situation that I don't know how to get out of. She plans on moving in with me at the Semlers and there is no way in hell I could ever let that happen. The thing is, I plan on being just as fake with her as she is with me. I am going to milk her for all she's worth. She has all the Blue Hill connections and I wouldn't mind having those people as my friends. The thing is if I tell Kate anything about the way I feel about her I won't have some of those connections. I am really confused about what to do, all I know is that I never want to be involved in someone who uses and abuses. She was my best friend, I looked at her like she was a god. I thought she was the end all to be all, it turns out she is a really good con artist and I am not going to let her walk all over me. Its just not going to happen, I am stronger now and she is not going to be a part of my life. Okay enough of that. Last night Jill, Maggie, and Morgan came down to visit me and we ended up staying up and talking until four in the morning...that is true friends right there. I love those girls soooooooooooooo much. You guys are going to have to come down and have lunch with me ASAP. Today I had a really nice day. I went to the beach with Gaines and Alex for like three hours and I wrote so much. I also got a good chunk of Harry Potter read too. I went back to the beach later with them and just chilled out and watched them, they are so cute!! Right now I am waiting for Laura and Micheal the get home, so I can go to my room and chill out. This job is so easy....I love it!! Anyways I am out lover boyz and girlz:) Mucho love and Peace forever Maggie wentworth
Read 2 comments
hey there! how have you been doing lately? Yes Charlie and the Chocolate factory was SO FUN !. I read Harry Potter the first night it cae out Hahahaha.. a bit obsessed. Yup !
Have a GREAT day
P.s I leave you a this note in y old diary because y keyboard is screwed up and it wont let use soe letters.
i miss you already :( see you very soon- much love, jill