Listening to: Augustana-California's burning
Feeling: burned-out
I really like Oreos :]
I could live off them.
Of course I say that for
every food.
I just love food.
Uhh hummm.
wow so the other day this kidd
pulled his penis out and
showed it to me.
really funnie.
really big.
really shocking.
really discusting.
prettie much.
and then on the bus
this kidd
got butt ass naked.
two penis's in one day
we were playing
Red Car Get Naked.
again :)
School has been prettie gay.
nothing new.
stupid teachers.
I have to be at school
SOO early tomorrow.
Doing some breakfast thing.
So we are doing archery
in p.e. right?
and my hair was in braids
and I was wearing this
bandana thing and I looked like
an indian.
sweeeet ")
my p.e. teacher said I was
the prettiest student.
but it was like a long story sorta
because he had these new arrows
and I was like I should get the new
prettie ones because I'm the prettiest.
[just joking around because
I'm not conceided or anything]
and then he was like haha yea
the prettiest arrows for the
prettiest student.
but I don't know it wasn't all weird
like when my old math teacher
said weird stuff like that.
my new math teacher is Mrs.Demus
she's prettie alright I guess.
she's nice to me because I'm friends
with her daughter but she was a
army person or whatever so she's a little
but its prettie radd.
Brendyn in my study buddy.
he sits by me in math.
He's funnie.
Today on the bus this girl
threw an open water bottle out of
the window and it landed in
some guys open window and he pulled
out in front of the bus and stopped it
and it was really funnie.
she got kicked off the bust.
it sucks.
she's one of the funniest persons that
I've ever met ://
we got doughnuts today in 2nd period.
then we watched some space movie
and I got in trouble like
2123434235678865423465 times
for talking.
and tying a bow in this boy
Ross's hair :]
my brother has this theory that
the trip to the moon was
it's believable.
I want to learn how to play
the drums.
really bad.
or any instrument for that matter.
I can play the guitar.
but only some songs.
I'm learning.
ah theres this kidd Jerry and
I rather dislike him.
he always touches me and its really
like the other day he tried to kiss
me and Ipulled away and he got mad.
he's the biggest flirt and
pervert ever.
man whore.
Evan is a cock block.
6th period.
best period.
we do what we want.
today was walked around
the campus and sat in the grass.
ha and my bestieee Dan
had a folder of papers
and we were in the 200 hall
and she jumped up to touch this light switch
on the roof and
papers everywhere down the hall.
so great.
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