today is going to be interesting... i have to go home, call doris about my talk, do my homework, go to class and take a pretest, come home and go to bed early, get up and drive around, come home and then READ the whole weekend and then try to get through monday.. THEN take my actual test monday after having a test on the stone diaries in school and all of the other homework i have to do.. THEN (blah) i have to cover a box and put a mirror inside of it for Gift, and then get through the week and finsh my crappy talk so i can go to gift next weekend prepared.. and bring all my stuff and then i have more driving to do... AHHHHHHHH.. i really need to just stop and take a little break omgosh.. well i gotta go i might write more later.. hopefully if i haven't died from fatigue!!
<3 emmy
Anywayz fatigue will probably be the last thing u would die of! hehe
(if thats ne help)
Take care Mwa