Tell Hefner I Can't Come To The Phone Right Now...

Listening to: Late Of The Pier
Feeling: better

Ow yes, I'm currently feeling like I'm part of Playboy...actually am I?! Because that would be the opposite of a guy strutting naked...

Anyway, doing all this posing is a good fun, and it takes me back to my adolescent childhood...

It's really annoying though, because this is much easier to perfect, if you have the resources in the first place!

Just gotta keep a certain someone away from Hefner, and I'll be alright! - By the way SitDiary, that isn't me...I'm really not that vain! :D

Much love AFGdA! :]


Read 2 comments
I wonder where I get my inspiration from...?!

Guess what...

I loooves you too :] xX
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaambi! You poser :P

Loves ya (:
[Anonymous (]