Letter to Damiie

Listening to: Naating

Dear Dakky

This is just to say nighty night to you and hope you're currently having a super nommy sleep filled with coziness! I was and still am in two minds about whether to phone you, but I wouldn't want to wake you, so this is my other option.

CONGRATULATIONS about hitting a great goal yesterday; I knew you could do it, and will pull it off for many weeks to come. Really proud of what you're doing, and I'll be supporting you all the way.

I love you loads and loads Dakkybabe, and can't wait to see you on the weekend: just a matter of counting down the days now, and crossing them off with o so lovely pink highlighter marker :P ... To be able to spend Valentine's Day with you is a dream come true this year, seeing as it was difficult last year, even though I'll always cherish our indie Valentine's Day :)

I love how we are only 45 minutes away from each other and will be for a long time! You're always near, and I'm always near, and we're always there for each other. The reason why I chose this uni was because of you, my soulmate

Sleep tight my lovely

Love Bambi xXoOxXoOxXXxOoXxOoXx



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