So uh, Dakky was here expressing Bambi's thoughts.

Hello SitDiary, I'm Bambi!

I'm currently texting my boyfriend Povey and thinking about how much I want his naked sweaty body pressing against mine right now... He's such a kind and thorough lover, he really hits the spot...

I'm also not actually Italian, one of my parents is, making me 50% Italian, however, as I'm a bit of a tit and didn't bother learning the language (I often blame if on my father for not teaching me even though my cousins, uncle and nan speak it and I could have easily learnt it from them) that deducts the Italianness to about 44.5%. So there you have it ladies and gentleman, all I have going for me on the Italian front are my facial features, wavy locks and my slighlty darker-than-the-average-british-chalk-white skin tone. :)

I've gotta go throw hissyfits because I miss Povey, maybe I'll hit my hand on my leg and break my middle finger, who knows...


Bambi Xx

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