Never-ending experience

Listening to: The Cribs

Nighty night Dakkybabe, sleep tight, love you :) ... Love staying on the phone until one of us falls asleep. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish for me to be at the same uni as you..

Started university at Lancaster, and it's a pretty funky place: the weather is horrendous, and it's weird how the locals don't react - as if they'd get shunned from their society if they did..! But the campus is nice, and the SU, and my room-mates are alright. I'm gonna hopefully gain loads of experiences from this, and will definitely make the most out of it. There is just one thing...

I miss Dakky!! She lights up my world, and I feel like half a person when I'm not with her. I'm gonna settle in here, and gain the most from work and social activities, but I've also gotta spend as much time as possible with my girlfriend!

All the experiences I grasp, will never compare to the one I've been living in and loving for 37 weeks and 3 days <3

Love you loads Ana (:


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