The Summer!

Woah, it's been a while Sitdiary, so're you??

A few things have changed regarding my summer, which is really cool. Firstly, I FINALLY have a job - and yeah, you can call leafleting a job.. It gives me enough money to tie me over, but I'll still look for another one anyway. Now because of this job search, me and Dakkybabe are going to Portugal towards the end of August; so we can properly enjoy that glorious climate together! (:

Me and Dakkybabe, aka Damiie (pronounced dam-i) have been together for a whole 5 months!! I can say easily, without no hesitation, that it's been the best 5 months of my life. She's something really special (NOT in a retarded way!). We've come along way; from the nice awkwardness of Episode 5, to the secret omelette making of this Episode 9 ;)

In fact, if this entry was sent to me last year, I would have literally jaw-dropped! - not in a bad way though; it would have been kinda hard to believe - what with the whole hating/weird factor! Anyway :) Thorpe park in 6 days! Dakky's birthday in 7, and BBQ in 8! Already getting the prezzies :D

Plus gotta choose a uni...I'm thinking...Cumbria is the most likely at the moment, but who knows...

Gotta run, still helping Ray-man with his H/W

Vaccaro-Senna out!


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