It would be rather embarrassing if I left my scrawny beard unattended this long!

OMG it's been a while since I last wrote on this GLORIOUS website! Well I finished uni ages ago, so I can't blame it on that, basically Sitdiary you just didn't do enough to stay in my memory! There's room for improvement - maybe surprise your partner with a sexy bath ;)

ANYWAY, since the last time I wrote on this blog, I've finished my first year of uni and am waiting for my results! As long as I pass, all is good :D ... Also me and Dakky totally merked job finder statistics and found a job at Nandos, like after a week and a bit of being back home! Ow YEaAaAhHHh we have skillz!!! I'm in my second week now and she's in her third! She works an awful lot of hours bless her, but she's enjoying it just like I am. I mean SERIOUSLY, compared to Sainsburys (where you get treated like a robot) Nandos is just a really nice place to work, and people there are really nice! I kinda thought at first that I just didn't like working, but now I've realised it was just yeah, deal with that Sainsburys! People, people, if you read this you should tell your friends how they treat people like robots! :P naa to be fair they gave me a jobby job, but it just wasn't the right job for moi.

Ahh Dakky, I wonder when you'll read this. Hmm I don't think I'm gonna tell you about it and just see how long it takes :P get a few bets going and such; like it's wimp picking in Shawshank Redemption or something xD ... Me and you are about to hit 78 weeks, on the same day we'll hit 18 months :) think we should have a rave or something :D ... Just wanted to say how much you mean to me and how much I love you. It's hard to though, I just love you so SO so SO so SO so SO much :3 and I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you (:

But yeah here's to you Dakky, because you're just the full package. You're super sweet and gorgeous and the greatest person I've ever met. Just thought you needed to know...

I love you :)!!!

Bambi out!


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