Listening to: LMN (courtesy of katers)
Feeling: bloated
Well, hello, old friend...
I don't know what to write so I'll just tell you about what has changed over the past two years:
I made it through high school, and now I'm in college in the city (w/ Katers!).
I'm on Prozac, which really helps my head.
I'm in love with Mr. Right... and oh, how it feels so right.
I still do not respect my father (big surprise), but I think he thinks so.... so it works...?
My old Chalet crush basically proposed to me... too bad I'm taken!
I work at the Gap.
I no longer take multiple showers a day; however, I really need to take one right now!
Well, that's all for now I'm too distracted by LMN commercials.
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