Perfection others would kill for

Listening to: The Buzzcocks
Feeling: frozen
There once was a girl who swam with the waves and wore her pink sunglasses backwards. They hung like her hair; disheveled and askew over a pair of empty eyes that matched the ocean she loved more than life itself. But the ocean ate the sand and the beach turned to stone and the girl grew up and died alone. I miss the summer. This winter chill is leaking into my soul and turning my fingers to ice. I used to love the winter. When did I change so much? I felt very small today. I sat on my front porch and slurped hot chocolate and watched the moon rise. It was cold but the mug in my hands reminded me that I could feel warmth. I felt like I haven't in a long time. I felt ready....I waited patiently for the thaw to come but obviously she had other plans that contradicted mine. But I didn't complain; there will be other days to spend with them but only a few with myself.... Am I still pretty, lying naked on your floor? I don't believe in you. I'm sure that I am sleeping. You can't be for real. I live in dreams and yet you try to wake me. My words are the poetry you will never read. How could this work? How could this work? Take your hands and erase me.
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Hey! sorry about the not-getting-together thing, supid padres! anyway, you are the warmest, most loving person i have EVER met, i hope you see that someday. Your the cats pajamas! haha wow. anyway, love you mucho and see you tomoro!
again, you cease to displease me with your words. im exited about tomorro, and try to cheer up, you seem really down. luv ya!
that was beautiful.
Hey we should do that thing where we answer eachothers poems~~~ ok i start, you read mine!
love you and mall was soo much fun! poor little girls in the window, watch out for scary jason!! haha