Smudges on shot glasses

The cuts on my legs, they don't tell anything But the marks on your throat scream of things I don't want to admit. The imprints my lips left on your palms are translucent as you try to hide them with your voice. Your words leaving third degree burns on my heart. Antiseptic memories/wash me clean. The drinks you downed loosened your jaw hinges just enough to let your real thoughts dribble forth all over my sweater. I knew/new/new burns to me. The stench of wet wool and wood stoves jog my memory to those days when I let your hands glide over my skin like pen on paper. You wrote out our future on the small of my back: FOREVER!!! I remember every detail/your lips on my knees. The way the sun set on my windowsill, casting shadows that made us UGLY when we felt, could have felt, almost felt beautiful. My greens and whites spread out before you on that tangled mass of sheets... Your hands plucking a simple progression of decending notes down the back of my dress. It was warm and smelled of ceder but I knew instinctivly, you were cold on the otherside of the door. I let you in and let you kiss me like you did or almost did that first time so long ago... I tasted iron tinged in sugar and masked my regret.
Read 7 comments
thats really beautiful glad you can express the way you feel in words..not many people can do that and its just great that you have that skill and talent to do such great things with your words...instead of waisting them in the air like a lot of people do...if i say something its either going to be funny or i probably wont say it...ahaha yeah lame but thats what i do even if i dont get a laugh and thats usually not the xoxox
its always good to do that and write stuff down always hahahah so great to do...just awesome...its good that you cant help it...
FOREVER!!! thats us! haha (in a nonlesbo way of course!) how amazingly fun was today?!? i think its best if we never go in public together agian, for the sake of little girls and their fear of windows.haha! man he prolly scarred them for life! wow, anywho thanks for the commentos! love ya!
i am in awe. this is going to be our first single. im not even joking. im writing the riff as i type. good lord keep up the good writing
luv ya!- jbo
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed by your writing. It seems indicative of a very intelligent, interesting, and profound person, and those types of people are cool. Too bad there's so few in the world.
You're diary's like mine.

Incoherent, but meaning so much.

Mind if I add you?
wow, i really like your writing... it sounds like it has so much meaning, and its not just something you do y'know? i really like it and i want to keep checking back so i'll add you as a friend if its all right with you