Ew It's valentine's day...

Feeling: excellent
Omg...It's valentine's day...EW! It's such a pointless holiday..created by your local hallmark card makers....Valentine's day's purpose is...*drumroll*..to take your money!! *cheer* Anyways, enough about my valentine depression. I hope all is well for everyone..Oh. I got home to california today!! YAYY! I'm so excited. My flight was rather interesting as well. First, some dude drove me to the airport by car service ( I was with my mom) and she was rambling on to him about dieting and he explained how he only eats one meal a day...Freak of nature.. Then when I got there, my mom had two chained cigarretes(hah, spelling) then we waited forever...and of course I had to go through the long procedure of taking off the boots, the jewelry, the metal, etc. etc.(The stick that checks stuff..and beeps if there's a freakish thing...well...that freaking stick stuck me in places I never thought they would.. Waited for about..a half hour with my diet coke with lime and my mother and they called my flight. My mom didn't want to part and was afraid of me getting lost when I got to LAX. Fuck, if I can find my way to my boyfriend's house without getting lost, I think I can easily find the baggage claim. Soo on my flight there were tons of ditzy college girls(and guys *drool*) ahem.. but still, none the less..they bothered me so. So then as we were landing, I see practically everyone on the plane with their faces embedded in the window saying "oooooo look at the pretty lights" And I'm just sitting there happy as a clam thinking to myself how pathetic tourists are. Then I remembered that I was once one and stopped thinking all together. Then the weirdest thing happened...on our way out from the airport, driving of course..my dad was joking when he said "is the ticket free?" and the lady was like " oohh, yea." and let us through. I'm staring blankly at her thinking..."what the fuck?!" but anyway, traffic was breezy all the way home..so here I am pathetically on the computer writing in my journal ;D dontcha feel special now? I should be doing interesting things but nooo. hheeheee (sarcasm) well I shall be going now.. if I dont update in awhile that's why..I'm in ca ;D byeee!! <3
Read 3 comments
i hope you had a nice trip.

i enjoy you.

Diet coke with lime is quite the interesting drink.
ew is right. Depression canbe linked back to jesus, but even further back to valentines day. The day happiness died within us all. Only those pretending happiness screen the sadness with a valentine