Listening to: Fantasy- mariah carey
Feeling: alright
Well I saw Jaime last night (u know the guy i made out with 2 weeks ago)
I went out to that same place, and he was there, and at first i was kinda weird, but then we just said hi to eachother and it was ok and everything. And then when we were alone he said, like jokingly... "you're not feeling awkward about the other time are you?"
so i'm like "no, are you?"
And he goes "no"
So that was it, and then we were fine, and we just talked and laughed and it was cool.
But yeah it's hard for me to get over something like what happened... I mean i've only kissed 3 guys, and even though i was drunk, to me it was kind of important. Ne ways the important thing is that everyone thinks it didn't mean anything to me.
But yeah what i'm trying to say is that he was looking really cute, and I was having a hard time acting normal. I was actually starting to like him.
But then when I left I went with this guy Tracy, and he was drunk, and we were talking, and he told me that Jaime told everyone that I came on to him!
Can you believe that? As if! After that I was like oh my God what a loser. He totally was the one who kissed me. I was drunk, he wasn't. I mean he gave me a fucking hickey! I can't believe it.
Why are guys assholes?
If any guys are reading this can you answer that?
It like makes me look so desperate!
What kind of girl comes on to a guy?
Neways I was super embarased about that. *sigh* I just wish that... I could just have a guy that actually Cared about me! I mean am i so horrible that no one could ever love me? God every single guy I meet just wants to get into my pants... Maybe i'm just meeting the wrong guys. Or are all guys only about "That Thing"?
have a nice day!!