Happy poo! *lol*

I AM SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!! i got the first cd of My Chemical Romance..OH YAY!!!!! i'm a happy person! oh and i also made up a new word or is it a new word cuz i just said it it is called....."SPPLURT!" HAHAHAh lol yes funny and wierd! i love to do that ,be wierd and funny at the same time, but being funny is someone's opinion to me, wait am i making sense? ok let me say it again, where you coould understand..."IiiiiiTTTT iiiiiiiiisssss yooooooooouuuuurr Oooopppiiinnniiiooonnn iiiiffff iiii'mmmm fffffuuuuunnnnyyyy" lol yes again confusing, ok here's wat i mean, "it is your opinion if i'm funny or not". so yea. um i'm sooo still happy and i just feel like i had a really quick mood swing. i went from being mad at my dad and my mom for not buying me the cd i really wanted to being soooooooo happy the next day b/c they bought it for me!!!!!!!! wow ! yipee dooodaaa fot me! lol ok so i'll update later ok so um byesss ::*M@l33h@*::
Read 2 comments
told you you'd like it :D

pink is never preppy if it has a punk guy from the most awesome band ever alive...
remember that :D

anyhow l8er

Hey nice diary...im a fan of My Chemical Romance as well...Do you like Armor For Sleep?