my hoodie!

lol so my hoodie got taken away from me. funny story. my friend mac took my hoodie and i was like "WHAAA" and so he started laughing and he said if he can wear it because his teacher wont let him wear his jacket. so being the gerous person i am..haha.. i said ok but give it back to me after class. so class went on and skylar (brother!!) gave me his hoodie to wear i likey his hoodie. it was warm. so class went on and then after that i went out to see MY hoodie and get it back. but nooo.. mac was wearing my hoodie and wear his jacket over that. and he "tried" to hide it away from me, luckily my keen-eyed sense saw the hoodie and i said "i want it back please" and he said "nooo" and then i said,"but i want it back" so we started to like get into a tug fight or something trying to get my hoodie back. since hes like way taller than me ad well stronger .. it didnt work out. lol so i said "give it back to me in mr. slagel's class." and he said " but i gotta go to the computer lab and get something" so i said that to meet me in mr. slagles class and give it back to me. he said fine. i waited for him and he didnt show up and my dad was here so i had to go. and yet i didnt get my hoodie back. grr. so i got online on aim and imed him telling him he has my hoodie and he said that why didnt you get it? and i said WELL, i had to go. and he says he skateboarded in it and it was all sweaty. RAWR! and then he said he would wash it.. yay thats one time i dont have to wash it myself. i got it back today and you know what it had stray hairs from his 2 dogs! and then he says oh it might have hairs on it from my dogs. grrrr i dont really like dogs.. bad dream. but he washed it. i was happy, and i went to class.. And Thus.. My Hoodie Adventure Ends.
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i love your hoodie.... i wish we would of worn it to the party... cuz i could of taken it. lolz. i love youi byez<3