nobody loves you
when you're down
& nobody loves you
when you need it now
because nobody loves you
yeah nobody loves you
you're always sitting around
wishing you'd just get out
of this crummy little town
well nobody loves you
and nobody loves you
yeah nobody loves you
when you're down
your always down
so nobody loves you
and it's getting you down
because nobody loves you
and your falling apart
as they all forget you
well they don't miss you
but hell if you miss them
they won't miss you back
when nobody loves you
no they don't love you
and they won't love you
because you're always there
bringing them down
turning it all around
you make a good situation
go down the drain
you make a bad situation
a worse situation
you cause a breakdown
and run away
because nobody loves you
so you're down
and nobody loves you
when your down
it's a cycle
and it's a repeat
like a record
with scratch you fix
you aren't worth that pop
that crack that break in the sound
so nobody loves you
because you bring them all down
that's why they don't you.
so get out of town
you keep running away
from all this pain
you give it away
and you stay for awhile
and then head out of town
because nobody loves you
when your down
and nobody loves you
because nobody wants you
because your always down
you are always down
so they don't love you
no they don't love you
nobody loves you
yeah nobody loves you
nobody loves you
nobody wants you
because nobody loves you
they don't love you
nobody does
it's just going to be paper and pen
atleast for a while